Category: london


I’m sure you already know about the March 26 March For The Alternative .  Did you know there was a Women’s Bloc?

Birminghams Fem Geraldine represented the group having been sponsored to attend by Birmingham Fems.  With materials kindly *donated* from a local source, we made a fetching and eye-catching placard for Geraldine to take, which even made it onto the photograph stream of the Women Against The Cuts facebook page!  Very exciting!

Here are a few excellent shots of the day from Geraldine:

Go Geraldine!

And go all the other fantastic marchers who stood up and marched (for a very long time) for the cause.

Million Women Rise – Hyde Park London – Saturday 8th March – Meeting from 12 noon onwards – Marching from 3/3:30
(This is a women and children only event.  Pro-feminist men, please show your support by informing other women of the march, attending mixed events, and celebrate International Women’s Day in any way possible!)